WPs & Deliverables
On this page, you can find an overview of the deliverables that have been generated per work package.
WP1 Key enablers and cross-cutting:
Structured understanding of key factors and new cross-cutting aspects on digitalization
- Added value and business models
- Industrial agreements and legal aspects
- Interoperability and standardization
- Cybersecurity
- Humans in manufacturing
- D1_1 Structured wiki update
- D1_2 Report summarizing main contributions to other WPs
- D1_3_Structured wiki update (NEW)
- D1_4_Report summarizing main contributions to other WPs (NEW)
WP2 Pathways to digitalisation of manufacturing:
- Design new pathways according to the new CF2 scenarios & evolution of technologies
- Create a community of pathways evangelists which collect inputs from related communities & projects
- D2.1_Pathways instantiation from DT-ICT-07 domains (the chapter detailing the Circular Economy Pathway can be found in chapter 5 page 42)
- D2.2_Pathways cross-fertilisation with Digital Technologies (the chapter detailing the Data Spaces Pathway can be found in chapter 5 page 48)
- D2.3_Pathways alignment with National / Regional Initiatives
- D2.4_Pathways validation and experimentation in DIH Networks
- D2.5_Pathways instantiation from DT-ICT-07 domains-Second iteration (NEW)
- D2.6_Pathways cross-fertilisation with Digital Technologies - Second Iteration (NEW)
- D2.7 Pathways alignment with National / Regional Initiatives - Second Iteration (NEW)
Diving into the Industry 4.0 related research and innovation projects from EC and catalogue main practical results of those projects. Map into the pathways.
- D3.1_Initial Scouting Collection and fine-tuned mapping methodology
- D3.2_Digital Transformation Pathway Cases Catalogue and European demonstration Infrastructure - First Iteration
- D3.3_Foresights and Recommendations of Digital Manufacturing Platforms for a Digital Europe - First Iteration
- D3.4_Digital Transformation Pathway Cases Catalogue and European Demonstration Infrastructure – Second Iteration (NEW)
- D3.5_Foresights and Recommendations of Digital Manufacturing Platforms for a Digital Europe - Second Iteration (NEW)
WP4 Skills and knowledge transfer:
Identify training and courses for industrial workers/managers that match the skills of pathways; identify delivery mechanisms, list relevant online offerings and analyse academic and professional curricula.
- D4.1_Skills and job requirements
- D4.2_Cross-cutting aspects implications to required skills
- D4.3_Knowledge delivery mechanisms towards a knowledge-intensive industrial workforce (v1.1) (NEW)
WP5 Outreach and dissemination 1, workshops:
European, national and regional workshops.
Engage with actors in EU & local manufacturing, including manufacturing companies, suppliers and users of digital technologies and platforms. Give directions to the pathways and the associated set of cases. Disseminate results.
- D5.1_Workshop methodology and common information package
- D5.2_Organisation of 1st European workshop and associated report
- D5.3_National and regional sessions
- D5.4 Organisation of national/regional sessions and associated reports - Second iteration (NEW)
- D5.5 Organisation of 2nd European workshop and associated report (NEW)
WP6 Outreach and dissemisnation2, exploitation:
Broad dissemination and exploitation actions:
- Disseminate key project information, activities and results.
- Support cross-fertilisation and increase synergies between projects and communities.
- Enhance exploitation of innovative technologies.
Collaboration with DT-ICT-07 projects.
- D6.1_Website and Flyer
- D6.2_Updated version of the flyer
- D6.4_Animated pictures or Project Video – First iteration
- D6.5_Intermediate Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of Results: PEDR
- D6.6_Animated pictures or Project Video – Second iteration (NEW)
- D6.7 Final big public dissemination event (NEW)
- D6.8 Final Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of Results: PEDR (NEW)
Ensure that the project progresses and results are achieved.
Please find here the ConnectedFactories1 key deliverables.