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WPs & Deliverables

On this page, you can find an overview of the deliverables that have been generated per work package.


WP1 Key enablers and cross-cutting:

Structured understanding of key factors and new cross-cutting aspects on digitalization ​

  • Added value and business models​
  • Industrial agreements and legal aspects​
  • Interoperability and standardization​
  • Cybersecurity​
  • Humans in manufacturing



WP2 Pathways to digitalisation of manufacturing:

  • Design new pathways according to the new CF2 scenarios & evolution of technologies​
  • Create a community of pathways evangelists which collect inputs from related communities & projects



WP3 Cases:

Diving into the Industry 4.0 related research and innovation projects from EC and catalogue main practical results of those projects. Map into the pathways.





WP4 Skills and knowledge transfer:

Identify training and courses for industrial workers/managers that match the skills of pathways; identify delivery mechanisms, list relevant online offerings and analyse academic and professional curricula.




WP5 Outreach and dissemination 1, workshops:

European, national and regional workshops. ​

Engage with actors in EU & local manufacturing, including manufacturing companies, suppliers and users of digital technologies and platforms. Give directions to the  pathways and the associated set of cases. Disseminate results.




WP6 Outreach and dissemisnation2, exploitation:

Broad dissemination and exploitation actions:​

  • Disseminate key project information, activities and results.
  • Support cross-fertilisation and increase synergies between projects and communities. ​
  • Enhance exploitation of innovative technologies. ​

Collaboration with DT-ICT-07  projects.




WP7 Coordination:

Ensure that the project progresses and results are achieved.




Please find here the ConnectedFactories1 key deliverables.